Friday 25 September 2015

Al-Abduli cell trained in Lebanon Hezbollah camp

September 2015
After the plot to wreak havoc in Kuwait was foiled and the terrorist al-Abduli cell was arrested, allegations against Iran and its participation in such operations took to a new level. Information coming out these days shows that such interventions by Iran are only the tip of the iceberg. During the past decades, this cell has been under the supervision of the IRGC and Lebanese Hezbollah.
In an Arabic newspaper I saw a cartoon that showed the Iranian regime as an octopus that had extended its arms in not only Gulf countries but all Arabic capitals.
Based on information in hand from a Lebanese source, two members of the Hezbollah that are among the five individuals accused of assassinating former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, using fake ID were sent to different Gulf countries. Their mission was to activate Hezbollah cells in these countries in order to connect with other cells and plot a series of explosions and assassinations of state officials. Their general mission was to strike a blow to the security and stability of Gulf countries.
This Lebanese source said: “there is a lot of information in hand that shows 20 Kuwaiti citizens, other than those affiliated to the al-Abduli cell, have been seeing rigorous training, including the use of arms, explosives, mortaring and missile attacks at a Hezbollah base near the town of Shamstar in the Bagha area east of Lebanon.”
He explained: “two of the IRGC senior commanders and trainers supervise this training base that belongs to Hezbollah. The training period that the Kuwaitis took part in ended last August and it is not known where they were then dispatched to.”
The Washington Times wrote a couple of days ago that based on a special report that was prepared for the US Government under the supervision of Senator Mark Kirk, revealed that Iran spends billions of dollars annually to fill the pockets of terrorists all across the Middle East, including Yemen, Syria and Lebanon. This report in detail reveals how Iran provides financial support for the terrorists. Analysts estimated that Hezbollah receives 100 to 200 million USD per year. The Assad regime receives 5.3 to 15 billion USD per year. Iran spends some 12 to 26 million USD in support of the Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria. Some 10 to 20 million USD is spent on the Houthis in Yemen.
Coincidently, Iran’s Parliament speaker Ali Larijani denied all allegations that his country is behind the al-Abduli cell. He said in an interview with the Lebanese satellite network al-Mayadin, affiliated to the Iranian regime that all allegations against Hezbollah are because of the hatred that exists against this group; such allegations show that there is no logic.
Recently, Mr. Abdullah al-Tariji, a Kuwaiti Parliamentarian, raised a question to Foreign Minister Sabah al-Khaled and asked that prior to giving a visa to Iran’s current ambassador to Kuwait, Alireza Enayati, did the Foreign Ministry review his profile and did it know that he was an intelligence official and in charge of supporting the Houthis in Yemen from 2006 to 2009 and the turmoil in Bahrain in 2011 at the order of Iranian officials? And why wasn’t he summoned and demanded to stay quiet? And why was a protest statement not sent to the Iranian embassy in Kuwait? And does the Foreign Ministry intend to summon the Iranian ambassador to speak over these issues?

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