Friday 31 July 2015

New Quds Force initiative in Iraq

1. The Quds Force was stopped in the Tikrit operations before the city gates and witnessed heavy casualties suffered by its affiliated militants and Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF). This defeat forced Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to call on Washington to enter the scene and finalize the battle. Subsequently the US conditioned any action to Revolutionary Guards forces evacuating Iraq, forcing the Iranian regime to pull out its combat troops taking part in the Tikrit battle and have them returned to Iran. Therefore, only its artillery and missile units were maintained and strengthened in Iraq.

New tactics used by Quds Force in Iraq

1. Following the defeats suffered by the Quds Force in the operation to retake Tikrit and Iraq’s request from Iran to pull back Revolutionary Guards combat units, Iran has now resorted to new tactics in Iraq.
2. To replace IRGC combat units in Iraq, the Quds Force is currently using local forces and forming its necessary units to carry out its missions in Iraq.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

How can ISIS be defeated?

In a previous article I explained on the formation and rise of ISIS thanks to the Quds Force and policies adopted by former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki. In this text I want to evaluate the solutions on how to confront ISIS.
Iran believes the environment that ISIS thrives on relies on Sunni grounds, and therefore ISIS and anything resembling ISIS is inevitable in Sunni areas. The solution presented by the Quds Force and Iran against ISIS is to use a force similar to ISIS, and even more vicious and criminal than ISIS, called the Shiite militants. This is the exact solution they are executing these days in Iraq and Syria. Iran’s plan is to use these militants to conquer ISIS-controlled areas, and turn the city, town or village into rubbles to no longer allow Sunnis to live there and force them to migrate.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Quds Force using militants in Iraq – Part 3

Following advances made by the armed tribes and the series of defeats suffered by Maliki’s forces in al-Anbar and Mosul, a number of Quds Force experts and commanders stationed in Baghdad and began evaluating the situation on the ground in various fronts. Quds Force military experts in their evaluations on how to confront the armed tribes reached this conclusion that the urgent and immediate solution available under the current circumstances is to use its affiliated militants such as Asaeb al-Haq, Katayeb Hezbollah and Badr militants that needed to be restructured. Under orders issued by Qassem Suleimani and following the example of Revolutionary Guards Bassij units in Iran, the 9th Badr Corps forces with a newly structured ranks and file were dispatched to the warfronts, such as Diyala Province, to reinforce Maliki’s forces. For this new structure Suleimani called on retired Badr commanders – who had worked for the Quds Force back in Iran for years prior to 2003 – and dispatched them as Badr battalions on combat missions. In this regard former Badr commander Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, a member of Suleimani’s inner circle, was called back and he is currently acting as Suleimani’s chief of staff in Iraq.

What are Iran’s objectives in the Middle East?

In the news the other day remarks made by Bahrain Interior Minister Sheikh Rashed al-Khalife caught my attention. Al-Khalife emphasized his country denounces any and all meddling by Iran on his turf. He accused Tehran of aggressive positions, unbounded propaganda attacks, smuggling of explosives-arms-ammo to Bahrain and launching camps in Iran to train terrorists.

Monday 27 July 2015

Quds Force using militants in Iraq – Part 2

2. Restructuring militant forces in Iraq
In late February a Quds Force commander by the name of Haj Abbas was sent to Iraq with a mission of restructuring militant forces linked to the Asaeb and other groups. These measures were carried out to prepare them for the war in al-Anbar. In his first steps he began restructuring the Asaeb al-Haq with completely new ranks and files, and also recruiting fresh members. The delayed paychecks of Asayeb members, some not paid for 3 months, were all provided for. This group once again launched its operations and their organized ranks were prepared to take part in the al-Anbar war.

Sunday 26 July 2015

Quds Force using militants in Iraq – Part 1

1. History of using militant forces in al-Anbar Province
- Dispatching militants to the al-Anbar front dates back to mid-January 2014. After Maliki’s classic army and police forces suffered a large number of casualties and lost their spirits for urban warfare in their initial attacks against cities and towns in al-Anbar, the Quds Force began to take action and ordered its associated militias, including Asaeb al-Haq and Katayeb Hezbollah, along with Badr forces, to rush to the support of Maliki’s army and police units in al-Anbar.

What is the difference between Sunni and Shiite fundamentalists?

What is the difference between Sunni and Shiite fundamentalists?
Both are seeking to target the security of various countries. Sunni fundamentalists aim at establishing an Islamic caliphate and recognizing no borders between countries. On the other hand, Shiite fundamentalists are looking to export their so-called revolution abroad. It is interesting to know that their methods are the same and violence is the main tool of both of these groups, in a way that even places of worship have not been immune to their carnage.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Report on Iran IRGC Quds Force measures in Syria

Report on Iran IRGC Quds Force measures in Syria
In the past few months the Iranian regime’s support for Assad – providing weapons, experts and fighters through Syria’s land and air borders – has increased significantly. This includes the presence of Revolutionary Guards commanders, members of the Saberin unit and also the transfer of weapons to Syria.

Quds Force Presence in Iraq – Part Three

In late March 2014 Qassem Suleimani was directly supervising and advancing Quds Force measures in Iraq in the Anbar warfront. Later on he sent his deputy, Ismaeel Gha’ani Akbar-nezhad, to Iraq and Anbar to coordinate the latest war conditions in Fallujah and evaluate with Iraq commanders why the war had not progressed. He was also charged to analyze how the fighting could be stretched into the city of Fallujah and provide a victory for Maliki in his crackdown against the people of Anbar Province. To this end the Quds Force sought to pursue the same methods used in Syria to form, as it claimed, the Iraqi Revolutionary Guards with the ranks and files of its militia forces. Tehran also sought to stabilize its hegemonic role over Maliki’s forces and all of Iraq as a result.

War Strategy against ISIS

Recently Mr. Obama delivered a speech in the Pentagon on the war strategy against ISIS, but unfortunately he had nothing new to say and it was just a repeat of the same old, same old, saying we support the Iraqi government and escalated training for Iraqi forces, including Sunni tribes, and continuing to increase the rate of transferring important equipment, such as anti-tank weapons to Iraqi security forces, the Kurdish Peshmerga and tribal fighters.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

IRGC or an economic – terrorist cartel?

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp is the biggest benefiter of Iran’s economic sanctions and if the nuclear agreement is approved, it’s the IRGC that will be the major winner.
The IRGC was formed at the outset of Khomeini’s grasp of power with the main goal of protecting the establishment. During the Iran-Iraq War it turned into a classic military force. This was to a point where it’s man power, weapons, equipment and quadripartite forces were not only equal to the Iranian Army but surpassed it sophistically. After the Iran-Iraq War there was no reason to maintain this massive force and it either had to be dissolved or given a new assignment. 

Tuesday 21 July 2015

ISIS & Shiite militias using juveniles in war

Based on news reports obtained from areas under the control of ISIS in Iraq’s Neinawa and al-Anbar provinces, ISIS has begun recruiting juveniles, training them in military warfare and even suicide attacks, preparing them for various types of operations.

Monday 20 July 2015

Obama’s deal with the Godfather of terrorism

The Iranian regime is the main state sponsor of terrorism in the world, the main backer of the Assad regime and other rogue regimes and groups in the Middle East and Africa, such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Iraq’s Shiite militia groups, the Houthis and Al-Shabab. Therefore it is necessary that this regime be restricted in order to prevent its terrorist operations across the globe.

The Vienna deal will never prevent the Iranian regime from acquiring a nuclear bomb

On July 14th, a deal was announced between the P5+1 countries with Iran over its nuclear program. The Iranian regime called the deal a great victory and announced that it will celebrate. I still haven’t read the details of the deal but I can guess from the reactions.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Quds Force plot to form Iraqi Revolutionary Guards

From long ago due to the degrading position of former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki and continuing uprisings in this country that led to numerous defeats for Maliki’s army, Iran’s Quds Force has been plotting to form a proxy militant force similar to the Revolutionary Guards and Bassij forces inside Iran. 

Saturday 18 July 2015

US-trained Syrian fighters are not allowed to fight Assad's forces!!!

I read the news in the Washington Post, which states that the US-trained Syrian fighters have to sign a pledge to fight the Islamic State, not Assad's forces.
Does Mr. Obama has not understood that Isis made by Assad and Iran.
Slaughtered 300 thousand of innocent people in Syria is not enough?
Unfortunately, the threat of Iran and its interventions in the Middle East does not understand by Mr. Obama
See News:

ISIS Made by Iranian regime & Maliki, with US cooperation

The Syrian regime has a strategic role for Iran, and the fall of Bashar Assad in Syria will be a severe blow to the Iranian regime because it would lose its strategic ally and the link to the Lebanese Hezbollah. Therefore, the Iranian regime has used all its capacity to maintain Assad in power.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Iraqi’s are stuck between ISIS “hammer” and Shiite militias “anvil”

Iraqi is witnessing a disordered security situation that is serving foreign interests. The velayat-e faqih in Iran is hiding behind its walls. The violent explosions, attacks and clashes in several Iraqi cities between the militias and ISIS are only targeting civilians.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Warning to all Persian Gulf countries on Quds Force terrorist attacks

I have read reports on the apprehension of a Quds Force element in Jordan. The presence of Quds Force elements in Middle East countries is nothing new for me and it has been years since the Iranian regime is dispatching agents not only to countries in its own backyard but also all the way to Europe. Tehran has been known to have a role in most terror attacks in Europe and Middle East countries. And the media covers this aspect of Iran’s foreign policy only in various occasions that Quds Force elements are arrested or intelligence is gathered proving the Quds Force having a role in such plots.

Monday 13 July 2015

Active Quds Force presence – Saberin Unit – in Iraq and its members killed in fight against ISIS

18 June 2014
While Iranian officials in their official media talk about the policy of not sending forces to Iraq, a newly formed organ of this regime, known as the “Popular Headquarters in Defense of Shiite Sanctuaries” is recruiting volunteers to be dispatched to Iraq to confront Sunni tribes and ISIS; – Saberin Unit – whereas during the past year the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) has been dispatching its forces to Iraq coinciding with the start of the Iraqi people’s uprising in Anbar. IRGC forces have entered Iraq in many areas under Quds Force command. Quds Force members carried out the following after the occupation of Mosul:

Sunday 12 July 2015

Iran supreme leader sees dreams coming true in Iraq

Today I read a report on the Internet that raised my attention. Hossein Hamedani, deputy commander of the ‘Imam Hossein’ Base in Iran has said, “Once our biggest objective was to reach Basra, which we never accomplished. Today, however, we are fighting the enemy in Baghdad and Samara.”

“Burned Lands”: Quds Force plan to takeover Fallujah

Following the US forces’ opposition regarding the participation of Shiite militias in operations aimed at liberating Iraq’s restive Anbar Province and emphasizing on the participation of Sunni tribes in these attacks, the Iranian regime saw all its plots facing serious threats. One of Tehran’s red lines is the participation of Sunni tribes because these forces are viewed as a rival against the Shiite militias it is fully backing, whereas the US plan of training and arming Anbar tribes also crosses Iran’s red line.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Presence of Quds Force in Iraq – Part Two

Following this trend and to actively use Shiite militants, the last method agreed upon between the Quds Force and the command HQ of Maliki’s forces in the Anbar war was providing specific orders to Shiite militants to focus the attacks conducted by these groups in the Anbar frontier.

UN SRSG in Iraq Ján Kubiš taking part in the 9th Badr militant group’s founding anniversary ceremony

In news reports from Iraq on July 4th I realized that Mr. Ján Kubiš, the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Iraq had participated in the founding anniversary ceremony held for the Badr Organization. I was left shocked and utterly surprised. The Badr Organization is one of the groups linked to the Quds Force and was formed by this terrorist force back in Iran. It is led by Hadi al-Ameri, currently the Secretary-General of this organization, and a longtime member of the Quds Force who lived in Iran for years.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Iraqi members legitimizing Quds Force presence in Iraq

(Ameri first left and Suleimani second right)
The Quds Force deploys its Iraqi members to establish a legitimate presence in this country. These individuals, most of whom had gone to Iran under the former Iraqi regime, are hired by the Ministry of Intelligence and placed on the Quds Force pay list.

Monday 6 July 2015

Militias in Iraq more dangerous than ISIS

General David Petraeus, former US CENTCOM commander, while pointing to the role of militias in saving Baghdad in the past, stressed in an interview with the  Iraqi News Site  that Shiite militias in Iraq, due to their integrity, are more dangerous than the ISIS organization.