Wednesday, 13 January 2016

What is the biggest threat facing the world & the region in 2016?

January 2016
Analyzing the events of 2015 and placing a magnifying glass on all angles of these developments, we aim to assess the largest regional threat in the Middle East, and as a result, the entire world.

With 2015 coming to a close and 2016 opening its doors, taking a deep look at the largest threat facing safety, security and stability in the Middle East – also casting its shadow over the entire world – we find ourselves before the Islamic Republic of Iran, led by fundamental clerics seeking their dreams of expanding an empire in the region and imposing a religious and sectarian rule over the Middle East.
One of the hallmark events in 2015 was the nuclear negotiations between the P5+1 and Iran that rendered a pact. On one hand the P5+1 are claiming the Iranian regime’s nuclear ambitions have been defused with the implementation of this agreement, leaving Tehran unable to obtain a nuclear weapon. On the other hand, Tehran has claims of its own, saying this agreement shows they have never been seeking to obtain a nuclear weapon. However, what is the truth and why aren’t Western countries seeking to accept this? There is only one reality behind all this, being the economic interest they are obtaining through the regime in Iran. For example, the price of oil has dropped from $100 to $30 a barrel.
We are on the verge of a new year and the threats emanating from Iran are continuing on a high scale. It would be naive to say these threats have been dealt with or decreased. In fact, we believe this regime has been taking advantage of a certain international situation and is attempting to use it to accomplish its goals. These efforts increased especially after Tehran became embedded with the brutal Bashar Assad regime in Syria, claiming to fight terrorism. However, it is common knowledge that Tehran and Damascus are the sources and epicenter of terrorism.
A grave mistake that the international community should be warned about is over the consequences of opening the path and allowing a legal opportunity to the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran to implement its suspicious activities. This would be similar to pouring thousands of poisonous snakes and scorpions in a residential area to store order. This would be nothing but a deception and chasing illusions of a non-existing reality.

Developments have proven Tehran is the source of most of the dilemmas facing the region and the entire globe. Therefore, we only need to know that its influence and hegemony over four Arab countries has only led to the deterioration of their status quo, and spread to influence the entire region. Therefore, it is quite important and necessary to understand that until this regime is in power the threat will always exist. Any organic guarantee needed to provide safety and security in the region has to take into consideration the regime in Iran.

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