December 2015
Iranian leader Ali
Khamenei in his speech back in 2005 described the use of nuclear technology as
a necessity and inevitable requirement for the regime’s future.
“Any retreat in the
current stage will lead to a series of endless pressures and more withdraws.
Therefore, the path we are in is a one-way road,” he said.
10 years have passed
and finally Khamenei was forced to sign a nuclear pact with the P5+1, knowing
quite well any retreat in the nuclear dossier and giving in to the demands of
Western countries will lead to a series of retreats, and finally result in the
regime’s overthrow. After all their resistance in the past 10 years and
accepting all the limitations and sanctions they have reached a point that the
Iranian society is tantamount to a time bomb due to the drastic economic
conditions caused from international sanctions, and Khamenei was forced to
finally give in to the nuclear agreement. The regime’s own officials consider
this nuclear agreement as a “chalice of poison”, a phrase used by Khomeini, the
founder of this regime, after accepting a ceasefire agreement in his war
against Iraq back in 1988. Now we have to see the effects of this agreement
being implemented inside this regime’s ranks and files. Here we refer to one
such case.
The result has been
the Iranian regime seeking to obtain a nuclear weapon and permanently
guaranteeing the mullahs’ rule in Iran. However, due to the Iranian people’s
resistance it rendered the exact opposite results and finally after accepting
the nuclear agreement with the West this regime has been placed one step closer
to being overthrown.
Now, there are talks
heard of endless retreats. One such case is the hated Bassij paramilitary
“In recent years
there have been other issues mentioned about the Bassij. Issues have been
raised about this entity’s efficiency in the political sphere and there are
criticism mentioned in this regard,” Bassij commander Naghadi said.
The truth is that the
“chalice of poison” is acting like a virus engulfing the entire mullahs’
regime, and now this is the regime itself that is questioning its own crackdown
entities as a result of internal feuds. These are the organs controlled
completely by Khamenei. In this TV program the Bassij commander was brought to
promote this organ yet the issues mentioned were completely different.
“We have 20 million
plainclothes agents… the people are all plainclothes agents. We don’t have
military uniforms to give to everyone. In some places there are people doing
some things, saying some things, and they provoke others in that vicinity.
Naturally, people react, people don’t tolerate, they don’t tolerate
non-principle measures, there are things unacceptable for the people, and they
won’t accept it. People react, and then they say it was the Bassij. It was
certainly not the Bassij, but they say I saw the Bassij member myself. Of
course, when we say we have 23.8 million members of the Bassij. Everywhere in
the streets of Tehran, and all of Iran, wherever you go, a third of the people
in any area are members of the Bassij,” he said.
Of course, as
incidents of youths clashing with Bassij members have increased by 114%,
naturally this Bassij commander is forced to confess – under this bogus claim
of one third of the Iranian people being members of the Bassij – that people
are reacting to the Bassij members and not tolerating their actions. This
confession made by the Bassij commander, especially after the nuclear
agreement, has certain meanings. This shows how real were Khamenei’s warnings
about the series of retreats. Such withdraws forced upon them are the result of
the Iranian Resistance’s relentless battle, especially the brave and courageous
youth and cells of the Liberation Army inside Iran. All this considered, we
should expect further retreats by different regime officials in other fields.
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